Resultados: 2

    Evidence-based guides in tracheostomy use in critical patients

    Med. intensiva; 41 (2), 2017
    Objetivos: Proporcionar guías de traqueostomía para el paciente crítico, basadas en la evidencia científica disponible, y facilitar la identificación de áreas en las cuales se requieren mayores estudios. Métodos: Un grupo de trabajo formado con representantes de 10 países pertenecientes a la Fede...

    Damage control resuscitation in patients with severe traumatic hemorrhage: a practice management guideline from the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma

    BACKGROUND: The resuscitation of severely injured bleeding patients has evolved into a multi-modal strategy termed damage control resuscitation (DCR). This guideline evaluates several aspects of DCR including the role of massive transfusion (MT) protocols, the optimal target ratio of plasma (PLAS) and pl...